Sunday 15 March 2009

Overall I’m happy with it , I’ve obviously learnt more and shall take what I have learnt and develop my skills further and identify my strongest and weakest assists. Looking back at my work I can identify that my lighting needs more practice , (I know what I want , I just don’t know how to get it …yet) & in general keep practicing everything that has relevance to what I want to do in the future . At the moment though, it’s in my best interest to practice everything & have a comfortable background knowledge on the majority of tasks/skills & then of course specialise . Hard times ahead .

Technical issues and problems .

Technical issues and problems .

I’d love to write about problems I’ve had with this to make it look like some amazing self evaluation, but in all honesty I’ve barely had any . The only problems I’ve had are already written down the page. Apart from those problems I’ve already mentioned, its been rather problem free.


This image is nothing more than a guideline, that I rendered and edited so I could see what would work best .. I eventually got this , which is works to a degree . The lens on the camera was eventually change , as I felt this was far to confined & restricting . The exterior environment has been influenced by fith element , star wars (films and games) , predator 2, the running man , left 4 dead , half life , sin city, hellboy , Underworld's , Blade , Queen of the damned . & general messy city streets that you see on films & games.
So many other films i can remember watching that have had an influence , but i cant remember the names. grrrr
I really do wish i could of put a more personal touch on this environment, its a bit cliché & naff for my liking . Some more expression within the environment is needed


A breakdown of the enviroments,With everything in one layer to show you (OOoohhh noo dangerous! :P )
I was extremely shocked at how low the polygon was on my environment . If I knew the final thing was going to be so low poly, I would of perhaps started the brief a little bit sooner to try and fit more objects into the scenery . (mainly for the outside) .

*the screenshots of the poly counts can be found on the DVD & up the page*
The exterior part of my environment proved to be annoying (not to make) but to structuralise the L.O.D so that it would work effetely & compliment itself and everything around it ,without looking ridiculous and ugly . This was only an issue because of the camera/animation , which unfortunately due to the way I was constructing the *film* and doing it in stills, as it couldn’t capture the real true essence of the landscape behind the initial part of the environment . This is not a problem though , live and learn .
While editing the footage I did think about putting some moving clouds , flickering lights & general moving ambient objects within the image . Almost like a semi animated still (like the ones you see on some web pages ,especially for films - games funnily enough) But I didn’t have the time , as unfortunately(sarcasm) I have other things to do outside uni other than work.

That idea is still something I’m thinking of practicing over the holidays coming though , as its something I know I will be very comfortable practicing .


Ok its now complete. Time to evaluate the current situation.
As it stands the video shows stills from my environment starting from the outside working inwards towards the interior environment . It’s very basic very simple , but that’s how I want it . I’m not trying to show anything else in the video other than what I set out to do in the first place for this brief (if it was anything else, I would elaborate more on the video and my work , but it will achieve nothing) . The video shows my texturing (note: that some stock textures HAVE been used) rendering and modelling.

Friday 13 March 2009


Update coming 14th march

Thursday 5 March 2009

Objects, how they work in space

Here are some references I gathered while on some free naff zombie game . Its pretty obvious here that looking at those pictures its shows *us* especially me, that one or two or several decently placed objects in a room can make a room look like its full of junk .Combined with good textures, it could make a room seem very full of *life* and *story* when in fact its just a couple of well placed objects within the environment .
Of course these also helped provide useful texture references as to what i was looking for.

the bkground

This is the image i painted for the background of my environment exterior
If I can find the picture I based this off of (can be found on LEFT 4 DEAD ) I will upload it into this section
Within my environment you barely see all of it , As a whole it just carries a very nice atmosphere .

(see update below for a more detailed picture description)


The interior environment is pretty much complete and is good to go , I’m fairly happy with is out come (you’ll see the finished out come when its all rendered out, and post edited etc later on) . The whole thing has been extremely time consuming , but very enjoyable . I haven’t had too many difficulties in this project , The biggest issue was technical know how with render options , as at one point the occlusion layer wouldn’t render out correctly , and I had to play around with its options to basically get it working again, that was extremely annoying . I did have another issue with some *nodes* not connecting and screwing up the layers in my environment on some later saved versions of my file (I found what the problem was )It was a really stupid error and quite annoying, considering how petty it was that maya would pull a huge fit over it . Either way I reloaded a previous saved file , retextured what was missing and carried on .
I have been able to focus a lot of my attention on textures , which of course = photoshop or anything similar, which again means -- painting or editing photos , which I’ve been doing for years already. That’s proved to be a huge help . The environments both consist of textures from sites , stock images and painted .

The most obvious painting in my environment is the landscape for the exterior part of my brief In which you can see a large landscape of a city . The concept/layout/design of the city alas it is not my idea , the basis of it is directly from Left 4 Dead (buy it) as it fitted PERFECTLY with the theme I had going already , but it sure was fun to paint ! (the picture will be posted in a future post)

The polygon count has remained amazingly low throughout the whole entire project. I did think at the very beginning that I would be vastly restricted by the polycount , but I have found myself very flexible/comfortable within the polycount limit .

What I haven’t been able to do
Is complete the textures properly, I would of liked to of had enough time to complete all specular maps / normal’s etc for the environment, but i just don’t have the time and I’m having to sacrifice so much detail because of time constraints . What if I went for something smaller and really detailed ? Pff no fun in that, I can do that anytime ! I thought I’d really try push my productivity boundaries on this brief and see what I could do. I never planned out to make as much work as I have done . To me , what I have at the moment is less than I actually want . I’m perfectly capable of doing more but like I said before it’s time constraints , which is a true shame . None the less, it’s proving to be a excellent experience & I have picked up so much more *technical know how* working on my own . I still have so much more to learn , I cant wait.

Things that I must address later in the week
Well as the environment is near completion ( as it’s near the end of the brief) , its safe to say all I have to worry about is how long the renders take haha! . The post production in Photoshop should be ok , as that’s my strongest ability .Then I have to make it into a film and put sound on it . Should be fun as I fortunately like doing sound as well ( ) my band ;) .

.more updates and progress reports to come.

Apologies for any bad grammar or spelling mistakes .

Monday 2 March 2009

update of outside environment

going very well , getting absolutely no exercise, but hey ho … quite literally waking up and going straight to work and staying up all day/night and then going to sleep & repeating the same thing over and over till it is done . Which is fine with me as it gets results . Progress so far is going normal , should be finished with the outside environment by end of the week , which gives me several days to render and post edit .With the time that I have left I’m having to sacrifice some details that I would usually apply to my work , but it doesn’t bother me that much .Always got the holidays to make improvements & create even bigger and better work (plus learn more *tricks of the trade* )
Anyways back to work I go .
Updates and progress reports yet to come


a good lil tune that helps me concentrate
John Williams is a legend